About Me

I am a crazy woman, funny and carefree but type A and anal all at the same time. I have two daughters and a Father who's a King...what more do I need?! My goal on this planet is to help His bride: literally (I plan weddings for a living!) and spiritually (I occasionally offer words of wisdom to loved ones...) Bless us all on this journey!

Jesus and His Girl

Jesus and His Girl

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Sun!!!!!!!!!

Yeah so I know it's 50 today, BUT we got a glimpse over the weekend didn't we?! Of course with the sun--which I L O V E--comes the concern over yet another debate for us mommies (because I love to stir up debates!) over the toxicity of sunscreens. Some naturopaths actually advise against sunscreen, even the natural ones (did you guys know that?!) because even the "good ingredients" can block our skin's own natural absorption of vitamin D. Our bodies are SUPPOSED to be exposed to the sun! But there's no arguing the dangers of skin cancer either. So what's a mom to do? Research! Here's what I found: throw your sunscreen away if it has: Octyl Methoxycinnamate (also known as OMC), Dioxybenzone, or Oxybenzone. There are other bad guys too, look it up when you get an hour:) Look for sunscreen that does contain: green tea, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. These "good ingredients" nurture your skin from the inside, so it's moisturized and absorbs vitamin D (most of us in the midwest have vitamin D deficiencies because we spend so much of the year indoors). So do your homework, comb the healthfood stores, probably spend more money than you would on sunscreen... but then ENJOY! Beach here I come... (crap it IS ONLY 50 HERE TODAY...)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Jenny W said...

One pretty good one I found is actually in regular stores, Banana Boat Kids Tear Free with SPF 50. PABA Free, Fragrance Free, and has Titanium Dioxide which is one of the good ingredients! More research to follow:)

Liz said...

Good to know! I am very excited to read your comment, because that exact type of Banana Boat is what I have been slathering on Isaac!

Elizabeth F. said...

well, I had to go check out my bottles...I have the CVS brand spray on sunscreen and it has the Oxybenzone or whatever the last one you noted was. hmmm...Last year I used Target Brand spray, b.c it's 2/$10 for the spray which is a good deal rather than $8 for one bottle.

To add, we live in the south where it is HOT, really hot and we have to use sunscreen everyday from May-Oct so I need to find a good one. Maybe a store brand one that's affordable. BUT--I wanted to add that I do not put sunscreen on us until we have been in the sun for 20-30 mins so that we get some Vit D. You need Vit D for Calcium absorption. I think the daily recommendation is 20 mins a day. And I know that it's not summer very long in Valpo, but you all do get enough sunlight to get the recommended Vit D just by going to and from the car, etc... unless you stay in the house for days/months on end. It doesn't have to be "summer" to get sun rays. There was a huge debate on those nasty infant vitamin drops for breastfed babies b.c the Dr's say your baby will get rickets from not having enough Vit D without the vitamins if you are breastfeeding...uh, no they won't, not usually unless you live somewhere where you don't get daylight like Alaska for months or if you keep your whole body covered all the time like some cultures.

Good info! Love it. So, can you jsut do the research for us and tell us what you think we should use...and does that mena the $14 Burt's Bees chemical free sunscreen is bad?

Jenny W said...

i personally like anything chemical free, so that's a good choice. his point was that anything that keeps the sun from reaching your skin completely is keeping your skin from the resulting manufacture of vitamin D. your solution is good, go out for awhile and then put it on... we'll have to try that

Jenny W said...

Ok Mercola.com is a good start. He does try to sell his stuff of course so take some of his info with a grain of salt; explanation of physiology is always thorough on his site though which I like...

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