About Me

I am a crazy woman, funny and carefree but type A and anal all at the same time. I have two daughters and a Father who's a King...what more do I need?! My goal on this planet is to help His bride: literally (I plan weddings for a living!) and spiritually (I occasionally offer words of wisdom to loved ones...) Bless us all on this journey!

Jesus and His Girl

Jesus and His Girl

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ah, To Be 10 and Stay Up All Night

THis past Friday was Parkview Elementary's annual Friday Night Live, the all night lock in for 4-5th graders. The theme was Night at the Museum, and we (the grown-ups) transported the gym into a museum of native american artifacts, a real working volcano, totem poles, and Mr. Dum-dum from the movie. It was a hoot...and EXHAUSTING. And...I have 3 more to do between Sky and Hannah. I may never recover.


Liz said...

How cool! I remember Garner and Mary always talking about what a blast Friday Night Live was! Sounds exhausting for the parents! I hope Isaac goes to a school that does cool stuff like that someday!

Elizabeth F. said...

That is really cool. Great decorating too! I can't believe the budget that your PTO has!

Liz said...

Thanks for the heads up about the garage sale and the fun visitors that you will be having at your store! What a creative idea!!! I haven't talked to Jamie about our plans for the weekend, but we will try to make it down there! I am a sucker for a giant garage sale as you can well see in my most recent post! :)

Jenny W said...

now that i've had 6 days to review the evening in my brain, it really WAS amazing. skylar had a report to do on it last night, and we were reminiscing together. the theme was that a queen had donated a priceless key (made of styrofoam and painted gold) to the museum and it was--gasp--stolen. so we literally took buses all over valpo to search for the key: to the old jail museum (get it? night at the museum?) in the dark, a chase through the courthouse lawn across the street (the people out on the sidewalks that friday night had to be asking themselves "WTF? lol). we ended up at the high school to swim and dance to a dj. wait, now i'm tired again... :)

Liz said...

It was so fun to get to see your shop Jenny! It is so adorable! I just love it and I know it is going to be a big hit! :)

Mrs. Sara said...

OH MY GOSH, I LOVED FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE! Fourth and fifth grade are the best.