About Me

I am a crazy woman, funny and carefree but type A and anal all at the same time. I have two daughters and a Father who's a King...what more do I need?! My goal on this planet is to help His bride: literally (I plan weddings for a living!) and spiritually (I occasionally offer words of wisdom to loved ones...) Bless us all on this journey!

Jesus and His Girl

Jesus and His Girl

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Garage Sales

Since my grandma died a month ago we've had the unfortunate task of going through her things, which feels very much like trespassing in the beginning, and now we're preparing to have a garage sale this weekend. I've had garage sales before certainly but they're always at my house; rarely do i have to drive my stuff elsewhere! So not only are we selling grandma's stuff but the individual family members have their stuff as well...so we hope it will go well except it's so windy tonight and supposed to storm of course. Anyone have any garage sale stories?!


patty said...

You know I always have a story. Well, remember those nasty horrific renters........they left pretty much everything.Dishes, furniture, moldy food in the fridge, wet shorts in the tub, you get the picture.........so I thought I'd at least have a yard sale and sell off their stuff to try and make a dent in the $130+ water bills they left that we had to pay. I even thought I'd put an ad in the paper, because you KNOW there are those garage sale junkies that plot their route out.........well the ad cost something like $14 to run. And I think I made $2. BOY was I mad. So most of it just went right into the trash. Freaking morons............

Elizabeth F. said...

You know how I love garage sales. I envy those Valpos sales. NC ones are just, well, pathetic to say the least. Some old junk for .25 cents etc... I have found a few things, but I have lost my motivation. And garage sales start here like at 6am. I just cannot get my butt moving that early in the am!!

Jenny W said...

well ours was pretty good. we did 2 days and have a lot of stuff left over, but we did about $450 and split it 3 ways. the girls and i are going to the dells the last week of june and i'd prayed for $100 from the garage sale for extra spending money and we got it! yay!

Elizabeth F. said...

Awesome! We are camping at the beach this weekend. The kids are so excited. Camping and the beach all at the same time! They also have a pool there too! Should be lots of fun and it's supposed to be mid-80's. Not too hot or cold.

Elizabeth F. said...

You are tagged! Got o my blog for details!