About Me

I am a crazy woman, funny and carefree but type A and anal all at the same time. I have two daughters and a Father who's a King...what more do I need?! My goal on this planet is to help His bride: literally (I plan weddings for a living!) and spiritually (I occasionally offer words of wisdom to loved ones...) Bless us all on this journey!

Jesus and His Girl

Jesus and His Girl

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Medicine Go Down...

I. Hate. American Medicine. Hannah has been fighting increasingly severe headaches for about two weeks now. Long story short she went to the school nurse and we've ruled out eye trouble or sinus trouble. So I have two choices in my arsenal, wonderful Dr. McGuckin who's our naturopath that keeps us healthy on a day-to-day basis, and wonderful Dr. Raelson who's our western medicine doctor who helps us the big stuff. Except the big stuff happens rarely, so we don't see Dr. Raelson that often...and when I called his office today to try to get Hannah in I had to talk to FOUR gatekeepers who gave me the third degree about not having a pediatrician, not visiting the doctor for well-child visits, not vaccinating, etc. The thing is Dr. Raelson himself knows my philosophies and basically laughs at me, stating "We'll just have to agree to disagree." Meanwhile he loves me and my kids and has never had a problem treating us. It's the 16 other people I have to get through first that give me the hassle! Just let me talk to my flippin doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As of right now I've been on and off the phone for two hours between the school and three calls back and forth to Raelson's office, and still no appointment... maybe if I'd just be a good girl and do what I'm told without asking anything they'd make it easier on me....


Elizabeth F. said...

well I know the whole story and I hope the CT scan turns out showing nothing alarming. Keep me posted!

Jenny W said...

ct scan was tonight, super fast and easy. now getting the results in thanksgiving week will be another story!

Nothing said...

Praying for Hannah. As far as those tests, usually if there is something of an alarming nature that needs to be dealt with immediately you will hear from someone within 24 hours. Usually no news is good news.

Love you all and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

Jenny W said...

ct scan was normal, now doc wants to meet about meds for migraines. pray for wisdom! thanks...

Jenny W said...

Post Thanksgiving Update: Today is Friday and it's the best day we've had all week. No headaches so far! Dr. Raelson (who's the only medical dr I love) was wonderful on Wednesday after getting us a ct scan on Monday and then meeting with us the day before Thanksgiving. He's really helped me not to have to drag this out...we saw him twice in 5 days, with a hospital visit in between! Long story short we think it's just headaches, not even migraines, not sure what triggers them but he's not perscribing anything right now, doesn't want her to have meds for something (along with their 47 side effects) that Tylenol may treat if we just up the dosage a bit. For the last 2 weeks we haven't even needed that, so hopefully we're ok. Thanks for the prayers!!!!!