About Me

I am a crazy woman, funny and carefree but type A and anal all at the same time. I have two daughters and a Father who's a King...what more do I need?! My goal on this planet is to help His bride: literally (I plan weddings for a living!) and spiritually (I occasionally offer words of wisdom to loved ones...) Bless us all on this journey!

Jesus and His Girl

Jesus and His Girl

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lack of Pics, Lack of Time

I am regularly away from my home for 8-12 hours at a time. Today was Saturday and I still worked and then went to our first cheerleading competition and got home 12 hours after we left this morning! Thus the lack of blogging and pic posting this week. Alas we won first place ANDDD my Hannah won her own trophy for being the best flyer on top of the pyramid!!!! (Daddy's girlfriend is the coach and daddy's parents WHOM I LOVE came to see the competition but daddy had to work; so it was me, Dave's kids, Dave's parents, and Dave's girlfriend. Who thinks I should get a trophy?!) All in all it was a fabulous day though, I will post pics. I'll also post some of the gala last weekend mentioned in the previous post; my dress was too cute not to share with the blogosphere :)


Elizabeth F. said...

Wow! That's awesome. I do think you deserve a trophy too! Most definitely. You are much better of a person than I am for sure.

Liz said...

I vote YES for a Big, HUGE trophy! God must have given you alot of grace for these kind of situations! You are one amazing lady!